Over 200 popular and underground artists known as the “Mana Mele Collective” share Mana Maoli’s vision of perpetuating Hawaiian culture through our ‘opio (youth). These artists have donated their time and talents to collaborate with ‘opio in 13 local Charter Schools on over 100 recordings and dozens of live events, school visits and professional development mentorships throughout Hawai’i and Aotearoa (New Zealand).
This collection of artists include many of Hawai’i’s favorites:
Paula Fuga | www.paulafuga.com
John Cruz | www.johncruz.com
Natural Vibrations | www.naturalvibrations.com
Mike Love | www.mikelovemusic.com
Kupa’aina | www.kupaaina.com
Ooklah the Moc | www.facebook.com/ooklahthemoc
Irie Love | www.thisisirielove.com
Anuhea | www.anuheajams.com
Kimie | www.iplaykimie.com
Lion Fiyah | www.reverbnation.com/lionfiyah
Jah Maoli | www.facebook.com/JAHmaoli
Kaipo Kapua | kaipokapuamusic.tumblr.com
Sudden Rush | facebook.com/Sudden-Rush-Nation
Rebel Souljahz |facebook.com/rebelsouljahzmusic
Maoli | www.facebook.com/maolimusic
Sistah Roz | soundcloud.com/sistah-roz
InnaVision | www.innavisionmusic.com
Sister Lubei |sisterlubei.com